Details of the treatment
Tooth whitening is the process of regaining your attractive whiter smile. Sometimes discoloration/stains make you feel conscious while talking or smiling. This can be overcome very easily at toothappy clinic at less than an hour. This procedure is safe, painless, effective and does not cause any problems to your teeth or gums.
Two Ways of Teeth whitening With Tooth Happy
At Clinic
This treatment takes about an hour only and gives instant results to the patient. Bleaching gels are applied to the teeth and activated with a light source. Gums are protected with gum barrier to prevent any damage. The patient walks out more confidently with a whiter brighter smile
At Home
Bleaching of the teeth at home trays is accomplished by wearing bleaching trays with bleaching gel in them. The trays will be made of a thin clear flexible vinyl. The process takes about 3-4 weeks for definite results and is usually wore at night time
The procedure is absolutely safe and non invasive.