Details of the treatment
Wisdom tooth removal is a common oral surgery procedure. It is the extraction of your third molar -the four permanent adult teeth located in the very back of your mouth in the upper and lower jaw. Sometimes all four wisdom teeth erupt normally and don’t cause any problems at all . But oftentimes wisdom teeth grow in at an angle or stay fully or partially trapped in the jaw bone or under the gum tissue.
Your dentist may recommend wisdom tooth extraction if you:
Have dental pain near the back of your mouth
Trap good and debris around the wisdom teeth
Develop gum diseases.
Have tooth decay in a partially erupted wisdom tooth. Develop a cyst around wisdom tooth.
Have sustained damage to nearby teeth or surrounding bone.
Advantages of Wisdom Tooth Removal With Tooth Happy
At toothappy utmost care is take by our doctors during and after the procedure. And painless way of sedating help patient cope up the procedure. To get your consultation for wisdom tooth removal get your appointment now.